
The heart of any business is the result

Projects implemented with our participation and using the equipment we offer. If any object is very interesting to you or the solution is similar to what you need, write to us and we will tell you more.

Banks and insurance companies
Gas, oil, energy
Governmental organizations
Information technology
Commercial entities
Health care facilities
Science and education facilities
Manufacturing and retail facilities
Telecommunication companies
Transportation companies

Why do Customers choose HTS?

Success and prosperity of our Customers are of priority importance for us, therefore, building a sales policy, HTS is always focused on the requirements of the Customers' business. We strive to understand the Partner's problems and provide expert support to the maximum extent possible.

We are interested in long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, so for each project we optimize the terms of equipment delivery and achieve minimum terms of equipment manufacturing at the factory. Working directly with the factory, we can afford a flexible pricing policy. This is the advantage we present to our Customers.

The largest international (Bosch-Siemens, BNP Paribas, Raiffeisen, McDonalds, DHL) and Russian companies (Gazprom, Rostelecom, MTS, VKontakte, Svyaznoy, etc.) have already entrusted us to take care of their process equipment.

4, Stromynka str., bld.1, office 403, BC "Stromynka"
St. Petersburg,
3, 22 line V.O., bld.1, lit. M, office 701, BC "Mekhanobr"